Olga Sozinova
Title of presentation: The importance of tree pollen research in Latvia
Abstract of presentation: The
pollen from different trees as birch, alder, hazel, willow, oak, yew,
beech, elm (and others), cause respiratory allergy in about 15-20% of
Latvian population. Noticeable percentage of sufferers have severe
reactions and need forehanded therapy before the start of tree
flowering. This is the main reason of so called aerobiological
forecasting modelling and, more detailed research of plant reaction to
climatological and meteorological changes is the base for such
modelling. Understanding of the relationship between tree-flowering
mechanisms and meteorological factors allow to produce good-quality
pollen forecasts. This study presents the results of birch pollen
modelling because it is known as the most frequent allergen in Latvia
and northern Europe. Based on the long-series data from Northern Europe
relationship between meteorological factors and pollen concentration
were defined. The ability of birch to accumulate the heat was tested and
threshold for flowering start was calculated. Using statistical
modelling procedure, diurnal variation of pollen concentration was
successfully modelled, as well as possible next year total amount of
pollen during the flowering season. We are continuously developing this
direction in cooperation with Finnish Meteorological institute and
current methodology already used in regional forecasting models as SILAM